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Quick and Healthy After School Treat

I don’t know about you but some days my body just does NOT feel good!!!  Hubbie’s first question is, “Have you worked out?”  Ok, no.  I haven’t.  I’ve been SLAVING OVER MY HOUSE AND SICK CHILDREN AND THEIR SCHEDULES AND NEEDS AND TOTALLY IGNORING MY OWN, OK?!!!!!

I don’t yell.  Only in type. 🙂  But it’s true.  Our whole household has been ill stricken with colds for the whole month of February and last week BOTH my kids had fevers.  Geez.  I have been constantly doing dishes, cooking up soups and teas and anything to make them feel better and at the same time neglecting my own healthy needs.

But today is another day!  I sent the kids off to school, rode the bike for 20 minutes, caught up on emails, went to my yoga class, came home and had a healthy curry chicken salad (recipe to come!) and worked a little on the computer.  But… duuuu DUU DUUUUUUUU!!!!  The chocolate craving HIT!  It hit me BIG TIME!  I pushed it down…suppressed it, trying to “Turn it off” (I love that musical!  Have you seen Book of Mormon?  If not, you MUST!  It’s fantastic!)

The best distraction of all……. Instagram scrolling!  Right?!  Beautiful pictures of housed, interiors, Reese Witherspoon sharing her latest book club book, and then BAM!  There it was! A photo of an ooey gooey chocolate chip oat cookie.  Now WHY do I follow fabulous food bloggers???!!!! BECAUSE of this! (keep reading…keep reading.)  Looking closely at the caption that Morgan of tastesbetterwithlove shares, this deliciousness that I am drooling over is actually TOTALLY HEALTHY!

Woooohoooo!  I put on my apron and started baking! 🙂

Healthy Banana Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies

In a large glass bowl, mash one ripe banana.

Add 1 scoop of protein powder.  I use Pure Whey Vanilla Protein Powder .  It also makes a totally yummy smoothy: 1 cup of vanilla almond milk, half a frozen banana, a scoop of protein powder and a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter all blended up makes the perfect quick breakfast or afternoon snack.  Yumm!!!

Spice it up with 1/2 tsp. cinnamon and dump in 1 cup of oats.

Morgan’s recipe called for peanut butter protein powder which sounded delish! So I added 1 Tbsp. 100% peanut butter to get that PB flavor.

I also added 2 tsp. flax seed meal (not in the original recipe) to give it a little heartier texture and add to the goodness!

Add 1 handful of chocolate chips (approx 1/3 cup) and stir it all together.

Scoop on to a parchment lined baking sheet, which I also sprayed with cooking spray.  Not sure it was necessary.

Press them down to form a disk and bake at 350 or 8-9 minutes.

Voila!  You have a perfect after school snack for your kids (though I’ve already eaten 3 of the 8 cookies!  I better hide them from MYSELF or the kids might not even get to try them!  🙂 )

I hope you have a happy and healthy week!

xo, Meliss

honey lemon pancakes

2 thoughts on “Quick and Healthy After School Treat

  1. So sorry you have all been sick! It’s definitely been going around. I have many friends who have bronchitis, the flu, etc. These look like healthy, yummy treats!


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